About Autosave and Duplicate: Two New Utilities in ProFisc
Me qëllim lehtësimin e procesimit të gjenerimit të faturave manualisht nga përdoruesit në ProFisc, departamenti ynë i projektimit dhe zhvillimit ka ideuar dy funksione të reja që do t’ju vijnë në ndihmë gjatë punës në ProFisc:
Autosave option
Enabling this option makes it possible to automatically save the invoice draft while you are working on it, every 30 seconds. You can enable or disable this option as desired in Create Invoice.
Duplication of Invoice
By clicking this option on an existing successfully fiscalized invoice, the system will create a copy of that invoice in Draft status on the current date. In this way, you can change the data you need and finalize the new invoice more quickly and easily. This utility helps you generate monthly recurring invoices, such as rent or other bills.
You can find the Duplicate option listed in the list of invoice actions in the My Invoices menu; as well as inside the fiscalized invoice.